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Coaching Programs

There are many ways to transform. I work with people who seek clarity, balance, purposeful living, and vibrant health who are wanting to take their lives to the next level. Once their current obstacles are identified and the client feels that they will be getting the best guidance and care that can be provided, together we will construct and formulate a plan of action.


Uncover what’s been stopping you, slowing you down or keeping you from having the life you want. Get crystal clear on a step-by-step plan to create a New You Transformation in 90 days or less




Nature Reflecting on Crystal Glass

The Clarity Catalyst Course is based on a Stanford University master’s degree program that was developed in 1979 to cultivate creativity, authenticity and self- expression.

Teacher and Kids in Library

Insight For Life

A powerful course created for kids and teens where they are able to discover their unique talents, learn valuable tools and self empowerment techniques that prepares them for success at school and in life.

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